4 Easy Tips to Help You Complete Your Home Exercise Routine

4 Easy Tips To Help You Complete Your Home Exercises

Victoria home exercise programAn essential component of Physiotherapy treatment is your home exercise program. All Victoria Physiotherapists know that patients who complete their exercises will have better outcomes from their treatment, however it can be difficult to find time to complete them. Here are a few tips that can help you to fit your exercises into your weekly routine.

1. Plan when to complete your home exercises

Making a plan might sound simple, but the expression ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’ has some truth to it. Physiotherapy exercises are specifically targeted towards weak and tight muscles. The exercises are likely to be a little difficult and uncomfortable. Setting time aside in advance to complete them can help you overcome any resistance to getting them done.

2. Ask your Shelbourne Physiotherapist to prioritize your home exercises

Your Shelbourne Physiotherapists might give you a combination of exercises to complete. If you’re struggling to find time to complete them all, ask your Shelbourne Physiotherapist to rank the exercises in order of importance, this can help you to make sure you complete the most important ones when you are short of time.

3. Set triggers as reminders

You can use small every day tasks as reminders to remind you to complete your exercises. Some examples include boiling the kettle, brushing your teeth or as a final task before getting into bed.

4. Use Positive reinforcement

Combining a task you don’t enjoy with one that you do is a great way to motivate yourself. You can either pair your exercises with something you love such as watching an episode of your favourite tv show or give yourself a reward once they are completed. Either way, the more positive associations you make with completing your home exercise program, the less barriers you make to completing. them.

Want more tips? Ask your Shelbourne Physiotherapist for their top tips and tricks for fitting your exercise program into your day.

Physiotherapy Victoria