Real Time Ultrasound

Real Time Ultrasound VictoriaShelbourne Physiotherapy now offers Real-Time Ultrasound imaging to assist the recovery and aid in the prevention of  pelvic floor problems. Our specially-trained Victoria Physiotherapists Penny Salmas and Holly Mallari can image the deep muscles in your  lower abdominal area and pelvis to check if they are working correctly or even working at all!

Its important to learn how to activate the inner unit of muscles in your tummy, back and pelvic floor that can be seen with Real Time Ultrasound (RTUS) to enhance core stability and improve motor control in any painful spine and pelvic conditions. Many chronic problems in the back and pelvis do not improve with treatment or exercises because the deep unit is either not working at all or people are exercising the wrong muscle group (outer unit), so they are exercising the wrong way!

Using the portable Real Time Ultrasound machine  your Shelbourne Physiotherapist can show you which muscles should be working and how to activate them correctly in Real-Time !! Its non-invasive, there is no radiation.

What is Real Time Ultrasound Physiotherapy?

The best way to activate the correct core stability muscles is to actually see them working on a real-time ultrasound scan. Yes, it’s just like seeing an unborn baby.

real time ultrasound VictoriaWhen we attempt to retrain your deep core stability muscle such as Transversus Abdominis (TA) or Multifidus (MF), being able to feel the muscle working is very important. Unfortunately, since the TA muscle is located deep in your abdomen and beneath two outer muscles, it can be quite hard to feel whether it is switching on or not. And, it’s almost impossible to detect whether the outer two muscles are working rather than the correct muscle.

This is where the ultrasound scanner comes into its own. The technique of Ultrasound Retraining, carried out with the guidance of a specially trained physiotherapist, enables you to quickly learn how to correctly contract your TA and MF.

The Real Time Ultrasound scanner provides you and your Shelbourne Physiotherapist with a video picture of your muscles working. This enables you to precisely match up what you think you feel with what is actually happening beneath your skin at that very moment.

This makes it much easier for you to correctly do your deep core stability exercises at home, which will quicken the solution to your pain.

Shelbourne Physiotherapy, Pilates & Massage is a locally owned health company with locations in beautiful Victoria & Saanich, British Columbia. Our clinics offer Physiotherapy, IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation) & Dry Needling, Kinesiology, Athletic Therapy, Exercise Rehabilitation, Massage Therapy, Sports Rehabilitation, Pelvic Floor Pilates Classes and ResearchPost-Operative Rehabilitation, Vestibular, Dizziness & Balance Rehabilitation, Women’s health (peri-partum and incontinence), Acupuncture, Hydrotherapy, Scoliosis Treatment,  Clinical Osteofit Classes, Osteoporosis TreatmentAquatherapy, Pool Therapy, Real Time Ultrasound, Arthritis and Osteoarthritis Treatment, Electrical Modalities, Pelvic Floor Physio, Pelvic Pain Physiotherapy, Incontinence Treatment, Thoracic Ring Approach Physiotherapy TreatmentSports Physiotherapy, Chronic Pain Treatment,  Shockwave Therapy (ESWT), Aquatic Therapy, Yoga, Yogalates, Saanich PhysiotherapyPolestar Pilates, Stott Pilates, Clinical Pilates, Scoliosis Treatment, Kinetic Link Training KLT and Custom Knee Bracing.

Our clinics are approved providers for WorksafeBC (WCB) Physiotherapy and ICBC Physiotherapy, Kinesiology & Rehabilitation. We are proud members of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA), the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapy(CAMPT), Sport Physiotherapy Canada, SportmedBC, British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists (BCAK), Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), Vestibular Disorders Association, ISST International Schroth 3D Scoliosis TherapyInternational Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment (ISMST), Think Local Victoria, Canadian Federation of Independent Business(CFIB),  the Orthopaedic Division of the CPA and the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (PABC) We have a clinic located in Saanich

Shelbourne Physiotherapy staff provide clinical instruction at our Victoria Clinic for students in the UBC Faculty of Medicine. We are an accredited facility for UBC Dept. of Physical Therapy Student Practicums.

Our Saanich & Victoria Physiotherapy clinics are modern and provide a relaxed healing atmosphere with private rooms available. Many Physiotherapy clinics in Victoria work out of a single room or a basement that does not offer the equipment, resources or space to help you recover properly. Our convenient locations make our clinics easy to access from all the neighbourhoods of Victoria, Saanich, Esquimalt and Oak Bay such as Dockside GreenFairfield, James Bay, Oaklands, Fernwood, Harris Green, Jubilee, Hillside QuadraGonzales, Rockland, Gordon Head, Cadboro Bay, Uplands, Downtown Victoria, Cordova Bay, Arbutus, Camosun College Lansdowne Campus and the Songhees. We offer appointment times ranging from 7:00AM to 7:00PM for your convenience. Our Multidisciplinary Health Clinic is located right across the street from the Hillside Shopping Centre. we share a building with the Shelbourne Medical Centre which has a walk in clinic and many great General Practitioners.

Think Local First Shelbourne PhysiotherapyWe are a friendly, local Victoria & Saanich owned and community based health company designed to meet your individual needs. Our mission is to provide Physiotherapy and related services to the communities of Victoria, Saanich, Oak Bay, Victoria West and Esquimalt and help keep these residents active and healthy. We strive to creatively and professionally maximize client functioning and promote life-long wellness.

Our experienced and dedicated evidence based Health Care Professionals include Victoria & Saanich Physiotherapists Penny Salmas, Jennifer Kolot, Mark Gottfried, Christine CarratNicole Gill, Mohsen Mirzaie, Robyn Elliot, Holly Mallari,  Elyse NieuwoldMeena Sran, Phil Lawrence, Jessica Shave, Cody McEvay, Kathy Murdoch,  Ruan Le Roux, Nina Bai, Kira Crover, Hilary Beck, Shannon Huff and Blair Braz. Our experienced Victoria BC Kinesiologists include Larry Muir Kira CroverHeidi Nottelman,  Our experienced Victoria & Saanich BC Registered Massage Therapists include Taryn Krizan, Selena Curvelo, Jennifer KoebernickKathy Pantalon, T’airah Bowker RMTMolly Scott, Jessica Bundy RMT, Laura Jones and Rebekah Neubert. Our Victoria Athletic Therapists are Tegan Johnson and Cheryl Mah. Our Certified Victoria Pilates and Yoga Instructors include Chantelle Shah-Poulin, Lisa HostmanDanielle O’Reilly, Stephanie Cadman &  Chris Csak. Renowned Victoria Physiatrist Paul Winston practices at our clinic.